Monday, February 09, 2009

Morning Time Fun

Every morning when Tyler hears Hailey cry, he comes to me first and tells me that she is crying and then he says "i'll go get her!" and he does....he opens the door yelling "Hailey-Bailey" and climbs in the crib with her
They usually play for about 10 minutes or so and then Tyler starts calling for me to help him get Hailey out
This morning, they were just cracking up, so I grabbed my camera and got some fun morning time pictures!
So I go in, they both greet me with big smiles and I asked what was so funny...
Tyler says "look mama!"and totally does this...I was like what are you doing?! apparently Hailey thought the same thing....
but all was good...after the whoa! factor, she came back with a big smile and lots of giggles!and then Tyler decided to assure me that it was okay and he wasnt hurting her, so he did it to himself :)and here hes saying "see mama, Hailey-Bailey laughing"

Thanks for the reassurance Tyler!!


Mom said...

Oh Lindsey, i would love to wake up to that every morning!!!!they look like they had a great night sleeping and they are all ready for some fun!!love you all so much.

Mikel said...

Those two are the cutest together!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet big brother to help Hailey. Hailey's hair is really getting long. They are just the cutest kids ever! Love you all. xoxox

Kim said...

How CUTE! Hailey's hair is getting so long! TOO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

So cute!! I love mornings, especially crib time!!! How funny!
Wow! Hailey's hair is getting so long and thick! Love it!

Unknown said...

linds hope you are feeling good. that tyler really knows how to make his little sister laugh they seem to have so much fun together. but that hair on hailey she looks like a biker chick. ha ha. love ya all dad

Sarah said...

This is super cute!

Kerrie said...

That is too cute. Just be thankful he didn't sit on her. Kaelyn likes to put a blanket over Morgan's head and then sit on her head!

Hailey's hair is getting so long!

Anonymous said...

ha ha that face on hailey is priceless!