Thursday, March 15, 2012

Right in our backyard!

david was working one day downstairs on the kitchen table when he totally saw a bald eagle swoop in the backyard...he basically freaked out started yelling for was gone by the time we got there, so we didn't believe him :) so he looked it up and supposedly bald eagles come to utah from about nov to we went to look for them so he could say "told ya so!" :)

and we found them!!

a block behind our house there are huge farmlands....on this particular day we saw 7 bald eagles hanging out in the trees!! awesome!!!
we seriously went "bald eagle watching" at least 4 times a week, right before the sun would set, we would see them coming in and just perching themselves up i these was so cool to see!
one day ty and David went looking for them and totally found one on a telephone pole...
he looked right at them :)
Tyler was so excited to stand right under one, he couldn't stop talking about it forever, especially since when we went back for them to show us, he wasn't there anymore, so he felt super special that he was the one that found it and got to see it up close!!
pretty cool huh?!

so we've read a lot about bald eagles lately...the one thing that stuck out to me was that when a bald eagle mates, it mates for life, but if the mate happens to die, the bald eagle doesn't hesitate to take on a new mate....David and i always joke about if i died how he would remarry right away :) so we decided that his new nickname is going to be the bald!!


Janaca said...

How cool!!! I have never seen one before just out in the wild like that. Now I want to go eagle watching too! :)

Linda LaPierre said...

What a great time for the kids. Not everyday can you see a bald you all..

Linda LaPierre said...

What a great time for the kids. Not everyday can you see a bald you all..