Just had to give an update on this cute boy! He is now three!!!....his birthday was friday, but I'm telling him that its on tuesday because thats when we're celebrating it...its cute, hes so excited and tells everyone he sees that his birthday party is on tuesday....i'll post more after the party....what I wanted to talk about was his potty training....hes totally potty trained and has been for about 6 weeks now!
When the baby didnt come when i thought she would i decided to try to see how Tyler would do for a day....people told me i was crazy to start potty training him right before the baby, but Tyler totally proved them wrong! He has been so awesome! From day one! which was exactly a week before I had natalie....he never had one accident...well he did have one that weekend...he was outside working in the yard with david and i guess he forgot and he did pee in the garage...but other than that he was absolutely perfect! we even went to costco one day..it was like the second day and we were trying to wait to go til he had gone pee at home, but he wouldnt so we braved it hoping he could hold it...cause we hadnt really asked him to hold it before...so we get to costco and then all of a sudden he says he needs to go pee, so we're frantically looking for the bathrooms as we are telling him to hold it...and he is literally holding "it" :) we make it to the bathroom and he did it! david and I were so proud! so was tyler! its the cutest greatest proudest moment when you see your son go pee in the potty and come out so excited! and then when he can pull up his pants all by himself! and then when he can actually stand and aim....oh the joys of parenthood...it really is so very exciting!! :)
i love it!
Tylers awesome!! we went to michigan 2 weeks later and he did fantastic again! he became obsessed with going to pee outside in the lake or on the grass or off the boat...yup...he loved it...when we got home he would ask to go potty outside or I would see him sneak outside and go pee on the dirt....i have even found poo in the dirt...i was appauled and disgusted and thought it was funny all at the same time...i was like...oh dear we have created a monster!!! sorry neighbors if you experienced any of this in our front yard....
but anyways...he is fabulous...i couldnt have asked for it to be any easier...he started off saying im going potty and running toward me and we would sit on the potty...the first day i think he would squirt himself alittle and thats why he would say im going potty...cause he did a little :)
his little high pitched voice was the cutest and then he went to standing up...putting the seat up all by himself...thanks david for teaching him that! i was afraid to let him stand but he, again has been fantastic...there was only once where he kinda missed...he was talking to me while he was peeing and he let go and it went a little high but he "caught" himself and apologized for his mess :) so cute! and then i thought that number 2 was going to be a problem...but no...once he did it once he was hooked and he has not had a problem since....now he doesnt even tell me when he needs to do his thing...he goes all by himself...everything...he is such a big boy...we're so proud!! hes the best!! thank you tyler for making it so easy for me..you're awesome!! he even wants to help train hailey...he'll tell her whenever hes on the toilet to watch him so she can learn...its so darling...since hailey is practically attached to his hip...i think we might try with her soon....maybe later than sooner but soon :) shes a big copy cat...so we'll let you know how she does :) but overall potty training tyler was easy peaszy :) thanks soley to Tyler!!
woo-hoo! yay Tyler!! we love you!! you're the best!!