Tyler is 18 mths old

Tyler turned 18 mths on valentines day. We were so excited for this milestone mainly because he gets to start nursery! I was in nursery with a lot of the 18 mth olds in our other ward and when Tyler started to get closer to his first time in nursery i started to think about the things that he would need to know how to do, like sit in a chair, drink from a cup, pray, share, things like that. So we started teaching him..... first we taught him how to pray-i dont have a picture of this :) but he looks really cute when we pray. At the beginning he would just put his head down and still sneak some food when we were eating, but now he does really well. (example) we were at family dinner on sunday and we were all standing around and i dont know why i wasnt paying attention, but someone started praying, i was next to tyler and i usually tell him "okay were going to pray" and then he folds his arms and bows his head, but i wasnt prepared this time and when i bowed my head and looked at him, he already had his head down and arms folded just standing there, it was the cutest thing ever, David and I were very proud of him!

okay, so then we got rid of his high chair and got him a big boy chair. That was pretty easy because he had wanted that for a while, so now he has his little table and chair
Hes really a good little eater, not very messy at all and with the cup, well he does good if there is a very little amount in it, but he gets better everyday!

then we taught him about sharing......lol he was always good at this! (at least with precious)
So off to nursery with his new skills. His first day was actually the sunday before he turned 18 mths, they allowed him to go in there so we were happy, he walked right in, never looking back, David and I would check through the little window every now and then and he was doing great, I got out of class first, so i went to pick him up, i walk in and they have the bubbles going, it was so funny, he was going crazy! He looked at me and turned back to the teacher and wanted her to do more bubbles, he totally didnt want to leave, I guess they did a good job! He was pretty wired after nursery, he usually will hold my hand and walk with me, but no, after nursery, he was running all around the church and you know how the halls are when church gets out and I'm carrying Haileys car seat, so it wasnt that easy to chase him, but anyways, 2 sundays down and many more to go, but so far so good! YAY!
And since he turned a year and a half on valentines day I thought I would talk about some of the things that Tyler loves! He loves to talk, follow daddy around, dance, sing, and here are some other things he loves......

He LOVES Precious

He loves to imitate her too

He loves to make this face when we tell him something he doesnt like to hear
He loves his wiggle
He loves the snow and wearing his snow boots and any kind of shoes actually. He will sit and try to put on his shoes for a very very long time. Yes I try to show him how, but he never wants any help
He loves the movie cars and loves playing with cars too. He also loves to wear hats now. This took a while, we would put them on and he would take them right off, but now, he goes in our closet where all the hats are and tries them all on over and over and over :)

He is fascinated with Hailey

He is a great big brother
We love you from your head to your toes! We are lucky to have you in our lives!
Congratulations on doing great in nursery! We love you!