So most of you know our cute little family of 4 is going to become a family of 5 in a few months! Yup, I'm pregnant...19 weeks along. My projected due date is the beginning of July. Hailey will be 19 months and Tyler will be just shy of 3 yrs old!
We are very excited!
And we found out yesterday that our 3rd little one is a GIRL!
Yup....a girl, another little cute, sweet Hailey Bailey running around
Tyler and Hailey accompanied me to my ultrasound. We saw some really cool pictures of the baby, Tyler liked watching it all on the big screen while Hailey was eating some snacks.
When they zoomed in to check out the sex, i totally thought they were going to say a boy because I thought I saw a little bump there, but nope, she said "i'm a girl!"
We really didnt care about the gender of the baby, we figure we have one of each so we would be excited for either. I called David and he, are we ready for another
So it will be fun to have another little girl in the house.
They also told me that i was measuring small...yeah go figure, I always am and they always want to push back my due date, but whatever, I just smile and say okay and think to myself, the baby will come when it comes, ya know, maybe thats why Hailey was so early, they kept pushing me back because I was measuring yeah they wanted to push it back to the middle of July, so I guess we'll see. I guess I get another ultrasound on my next visit to confirm it.
So it was all good, got all my cute pics of the girlie and then I thought I was done, but no, they said I have to wait to be seen, arghh..... fine. I got there at 10 and it was already 10:45. So I wait and wait and wait some more, they didnt take me into a room til 11:30 and then i waited in the room for another 15 mins. It was crazy. The midwife comes in, yeah I'm seeing a midwife this time....she looks at the ultrasound thing, say they will check with the doctors to see if they will move my date back and then she starts talking about my weight....saying that my bmi is under 19, that I'm underweight and then she asked me if I was dieting....what?! are you serious...I didnt know it was possible to diet while you were pregnant. I politely said no ma'am, I get pretty sick with my babies and I usually eat every hour....she says am I making good food choices??? uh yes ma'am I would think so....i eat a lot of fruit and whole grains, I would like to think I do. Then she asks how much weight I usually gain...I told her about 25-30 lbs....I say my babies are around 7 lbs so I think thats a good number, she says since I started out underweight (?) that I need to gain more than 35 lbs so that there is enough fat storage....she goes on and on about the risks of not gaining enough weight, premature babies, placenta problems, blah blah blah, I'm thinking, ya know if this was my first baby, then maybe you could tell me stuff like that, but I have 2 healthy babies, they were not premature, nothing was wrong with my pregnancy or delivery....I tell her that its not like I am trying not to gain weight....she says okay, well we'll just make sure we try to hit our goal. I'm thinking whatever, i'm not having huge babies, isnt the ideal weight gain 29lbs anyways?! whatever, she asks me how tall my husband is and if I am active and how active, I tell her my husband is like 5'8 and yeah I play volleyball, its not like I'm out there going to the gym to lose my stomach, which i know is a baby!!! anyways, so yeah I dont end up getting out of there til 12:15, my poor children, they were really good though, thanks Tyler and Hailey..
I just thought that it was weird that she was talking to me like that. I never had this conversation with my other doctor when I had my other kids, so I thought it was weird and if someone has had kids and everything was fine, I dont know why they would stress so much about the topic, when I've done it before, ya know...I dont know, maybe I'm just being sensitive, but I thought it was kinda weird and the fact that she asked me like twice to check if I was dieting, its like come on....when you're pregnant, you eat, everyone does! I did tell her that for the first 2 months I was really sick and now I'm pretty much fine, I do get nauseated but if I continue eating I'm fine. But they already knew that I was sick from the first visit, so I dont know if they are just covering their bases and making sure I'm okay, which is fine, but to have a half an hour conversation on my weight and that I need to gain 40 lbs or I might potentially hurt my child, I thought that was weird...again, if it was my first sure, fine, tell me what could happen, but this is my 3rd, my kids are fine, i'm fine, im sorry if I dont gain 40+ lbs, but saying that i am at an unsafe weight for carrying a child, whatever!!!!!
so what do you i overreacting, if so, sorry, i just thought, it was a little much. So anyways, enough of that..
Another girl, how fun! Hopefully she stays as petite as Hailey or they'll be sharing clothes :)
David said so are we naming her Natalie, thats what we were supposed to name Hailey but David changed it at the last minute....I do love Natalie, but I also like the name Kara, i dont know I like it, I remember telling David about that name with Hailey, but I always liked Hailey it would be Tyler, Hailey & Kara.....I was thinking of it with a C but David said then people might call her Car-a like car
Anyways, so those are the names were thinking...pretty exciting, some people tell me 3 is crazy some people tell me 3 is easy, so I guess we'll know soon enough :)
I'm doing good, again, I am really not sick anymore, if I eat something weird, or dont eat, I get sick but other than that I'm good, so yay for that!
I've been waiting to post about this and never got around to it, but since we found out, I thought I better do it and now i can add that widget thing! woo-hoo :)
the end!