we've been to
jump on it a couple times now and the kids
love it!the place is just full of a million trampolines, it's so much fun for them. The first time we went, Tyler was kinda scared, but every time after that he has totally loved every minute!

they have these balls and other things to throw around in there and Tyler
always makes sure that both him and Hailey have a ball :)

Hailey making her way across the tramps

not too sure about all the jumping

but it
didnt take her long to get over it
My mom and Kev came to town and we had to take Kevin there. David and him were completely soaked when we left, yeah it was
gross :) but they had fun too! I
didnt get many pictures of Kevin, I got more video, sorry :(
Hailey Bailey

Tyler jumping

and jumping/falling :)

Hailey doing her thing

and then taking a water break
too cute Hailey!
told you about the ball thing :)
See... :)
Tyler having so much fun!

Daddy getting in on the action
check out those dimples!!!
Flying high!
Love this picture!!

and yes, the girl is
FINALLY walking!!! 17
woo-hoo!!She still prefers to hold onto peoples fingers, but she can totally do it! I'll have to take more pics of her doing it. She's still a bit
wobbly but she will totally get up and walk now!
Go Hales!!!!
shes got about
9 weeks to perfect it :)