we went camping up af canyon...we'll at least thats where we were supposed to camp :) after jon and craig drove for a couple hours trying to find the perfect spot....we didnt....so we drove a few more miles up to cascade springs and found a nice little campground...and so our adventure began :)
we got there kinda late, so we had to set up the tents before nightfall...
we put a ton of bug spray on!!
funny story with that one....so davids applyig the bug spray...he tells me to close my eyes and he'll spray my face...i do it....after a couple of seconds...my lip starts tingling...and burning and i feel it swelling up....i tell david...he says...oh yeah its supposed to do that....uh no, i dont think so! i pick up the bottle and what does it say....keep away from eyes and LIPS!!!!!!
fabulous :) and what does david say..."kiss me...it will feel good"....what a great idea babe...lol
the crazy tingling finally did go away and the burning too and my lip didnt swell up....so if you're using backwoods bug repellant and if it happens to get on your lip...its all good..it only lasts for a little while ;)
ok, back to our night....
we got the fire going and then got our food on :)
and p.s anything over a fire is good! dont ya think?!
and girls in hoodies=cuteness
fyi: we put OFF on their faces.. :) and had no lip complaints
miss hailey trying to keep her eyes open...shes got her "daddy cant keep his eyes open in the dark" syndrome...poor girl :)
yay! we got one!
these 3 had so much fun...especially with all the lollipops, soda, chips and marshmallows going around...who wouldnt!
this little one was everywhere....she didnt care about the dirt, or the ants or the red gatorade spilling down her shirt...
nope! doesnt bother her!
shes is pure craziness i tell you!
and absolutely adorable!
but really just plain crazy!!!!!!
yes she was showing off while i was taking pictures of her by rolling in the dirt :)
check her out.....dirt up in her tooth....oh yeah! thats how we do it!!
she stuck EVERY single rock in her mouth...but i think it was this one that left its mark
get excited! were campin'!
tyler, craig and jon
the single men of the group :)
i need help peoples....my sons a little young but the other 2 they are the bachelors that need some women in their lives...if you know someone...send them my way and we'll get it set up!
the blakes
who will be leaving us soon :(
and us
do you see what im talking about with david and the flash...lol!
and heres our tent....it was nice and spacious....we brought a crib for the baby and the kids were tucked nicely into their sleeping bags....it was pretty chilly so we snuggled right up next to them and it would have been a nice and peaceful night if only my baby didnt wake up every hour, we took her out of the crib and slept with her but man, the poor thing just couldnt get comfortable, she'd fall asleep, then wake up, fall asleep then wake up...she finally went to bed probably at about 5 30ish, and i know that because the sun started to come up, lol! ...the other kids did great though and woke up nice and rested....ahhh....to be able to just sleep through the night....what a life....hahaha
to the babys credit...it was her first time camping, no worries natalie, we'll get you acclimated :)
the next morning we had a great big breakfast from the good ol dutch oven...thanks guys we loved it!
and after breakfast we ventured out...trying to find the moose i spotted driving up...i'm pretty sure i didn see one...it was huge!! and the camp host guy did say there was a mamma and a baby moose...
good times, good times!!
thanks for coming with us guys! we had so much fun!!!