Friday, August 24, 2007

Saturday Night in Lake Placid

So after the river and everything we went to go eat dinner at like 8pm. We drove up to Lake Placid and had pizza that took us forever!!! And Tyler slept the whole time until the pizza plate came crashing down and it made a super loud noise, so thats why he is in his pjs because he was suppose to sleep, well he did, but woke up, so since he was awake, we took a couple pics
Mommy and Tyler

Tyler and the River

Tyler loves the water, cold or warm, he'll play in it
and he loves eating the sand
This is my artistice picture lol:)
Tyler is such a cutie!
I loved these pictures this day, he was having a ball
The famous covered bridge, it was a lot different when we were there last, it is now a historical site, so they fixed it up all nice
Tylers cute little butt. This is how he crawl-walks whenever we are on the sand grass or concrete, its funny
Grandpa trying to show Tyler how to swim
It was funny, he really didnt know what to do, he kept his hands up until grandpa started showing him how to do it
YAY! we're both smiling, thanks to everyone acting silly making Tyler laugh

The River Wild

So here is my dad getting ready to go down the river. Its really cool, they totally just go down the rocks. They said it was pretty cold, but they loved it and i got some cool pictures and the video is so funny.
Here he goes...
Ouch, by the look of his face, it doesnt look pretty :)
But he ended up with a smile on his face, so YAY
Kyles turn now
coming down the last rock........
Ooooo, Kyles face is better :)
Nice smile for the end, they went down about 4 more times and their facial expressions are classic!

Too bad David wasnt here, I would have liked to see him go down, next time babe you'll have to take Tyler down with you!

We made it!

So we made it, we dont have any pictures of us coming off the plane b/c we were all so tired and it was like 1 in the morning in New York. Then we drove about 2 hrs north to where my dad is from and stayed in this cute little cabin, it was perfect! Then the next morning none of us woke up til around noon, including Tyler and thats when we started our day
Kyle, Kevin, Aunt Linda, Grandpa and Tyler (tyler is distracted by the water and he had just woke up)
All of us
Grandpa, Kyle, Me, Tyler, Aunt Linda, and Kevin and of course Eileen taking the picture
The boys of the Trip in front of the River
Me and Tyler
Grandpa and Tyler
Tyler wanted to get in so bad, so Grandpa gave him a little taste
He had so much fun the whole trip, I was so happy for him
Swinging over the water

This is the school Aunt Linda and my dad went too
All of us and again Eileen taking the pic, Thanks Eileen!

Las Vegas Airport

So here is Tyler at the airport. We made it through security well and the lines werent very long at all for a Friday night. Tyler was great but the second we got to our gate he wanted to move around. We had about an hour and a half to kill so he was everywhere. Climbing on chairs, crawling around, yelling da da to everyone and being so loud and all a little friend came along. A little girl his age, she was walking and yelling back at him, so he played with her for a little bit and let my dad, kyle, kevin and me off the hook for a bit :)
Tyler was amazing on the plane! I couldnt have asked for anything better, I was very surprised and thank you Grandpa, Kyle and Kevin again for all your help!

Our picture before we took off without daddy for the first time! We missed you David!
Crawling around the dirty airport. The tops of his feet were black, no kidding when i picked him up, but hey at least he got a little tired for the 5 hr plane ride.
Grandpa, Kyle and Kevin, so happy that they werent having to chase after Tyler and could sit and relax :)
Tyler and Uncle Kyle having some fun

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Seven Peaks

Daddy and Tyler coming down the slide
uh oh almost there....
YAY! they made it!
David said that Tyler was practically falling asleep while waiting in line, but when he sat on the slide a bunch of water comes up at your face and that woke him up and then they came down the slide, I dont think he really knew what was going on though, it was cute
Half walking half crawling in the kiddie pool
Tyler tired after swimming and riding and just chewing on a gogurt
This ride was crazy, i dont even remember what it was called but we started up really high and then we shot down, very scary and fun!
Pic of us after the ride

Monday, August 06, 2007


I know there are no pics but today, August 5, 2006 at approximately 6pm.........drum roll please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tyler David Parkinson took his very first 2 steps all by himself! It made me cry, I was on the phone with my mom a few minutes before and I was telling her how he totally wants to walk, I was just watching him while we were at Davids parents house and they have this little edge under the table in the kitchen that he was sitting on and it looked like he was trying to stand up, and then when i got off the phone with my mom i went over to him and he grabbed my one finger and was walking around, he did that a few more times and then i called david in and told him that he was totally going to walk and davids like noooo and so he sat on the ground and called him and tyler totally stood up and took 2 steps, it was really amazing, i brought me to tears and we all cheered, holly and stacy were watching him too, so we were kinda loud, so the next time we made him try he was a little more hesitant b/c I think we scared him, but then he did it again and then he just started to jump toward dave, but it was the coolest thing ever, i was not expecting it at all, not even a little bit, and i think that was the best part, he surprised me and it was such a wonderful one!!!! GO TYLER, his first bday is coming up, were excited for that too and all the other things he will surprise us with

YAY! isnt that awesome, im still so excited and cant wait to tape him!!!!!! 2 steps! woo-hoo!

Random photos, b/c i havent got the vacation ones yet

So Tyler has been getting into everything lately, his new thing is to....
climb into our cabinets
and get stuck in them, but he has fun anyways and thats all that matters, right?
I dont think I could have a much happier kid, I love being Tylers mom!
So we got a new very nice camera for michigan because mine had broke so when we were in denver dave went to costco and bought me a new one....
so we were just trying the camera out on the perfect little subject...Tyler!
pictures can't get much cuter than these, but our vacation pics are awesome, we are very excited with only if I could get them from davids computer....... :)
but until then, these will have to do

Tyler loves the water, if he could be in it all day he would!

I love all his teeth! and his other front tooth is finally making its way down

Just hanging out around the house

So everytime i try to feed him something now, he wont let me, he is mr independent and believes that he can do everything that i do. I have to admit it is very cute and i admire it in him, but it sure does make a MESS!
and makes for good fun pics! :)