(thanks for your help britt, everyone loved them!)We decided to celebrate Tylers birthday at
Kangaroo Zoo. He really loves the place and we were excited to celebrate it there with him and his little friends.
Grandma and Kevin were able to come up and celebrate with us too and thank goodness for grandma, she kept Hailey the WHOLE time. I did not have to worry about her, so thank you very much! and we always like having Kevin, Dave always makes sure to put him to work, lol, thanks Kev!
So we all got there and they just sent us off to play, i thought it was going to be a little more organized, like keeping everyone in the party together and things like that, but no, luckily the parents of most the kids came so they were able to take their kids on everything and have a good time too! Yeah about the parents...the dads got together and were doing relays and races, they were having just as much or more fun then their little ones, lol! We are glad everyone had a good time! Tyler had a little meltdown in the middle, he got hit in the head from davids leg and then he wanted to be with grandma, but luckily it didnt last for long...he started to play again and everything was A-ok!

David started Tyler off on the highest slide.....they seriously go super fast!

then there was alot of running around
and gatorade breaks
some of the other kids at the party
after alot of running and jumpy (as Tyler would say) we headed back to the party room to sing, eat and open presents!
thanks everyone for coming!

HEY! what about me!
ha ha
We brought out the cake, yeah i know i cant believe I didnt take a picture of it! Ahhh!
It is on video though...but it had 3 tractors on it, it was blue and chocolate!
You can tell he was mesmerized, so we did a good job!

here is the mesmerized look
and then we sang and at that moment it was all worth it!
The second we started singing, his face lit up! No joke, he started looking around, seeing everyone looking at him and singing happy birthday to Tyler and he was in heaven and had the biggest grin on his face (its all on video) i know, i cant believe i dont have a picture of it!!!
in my defense, i was video taping and you know who was supposed to be taking the pictures, ha ha, no, he was singing and caught up in the moment as well :)

Happy Birthday Tyler!!
He did great at blowing out the candles, 2 tries and it was done!
Yes he is only 2, david wanted to give him as much candles to blow out as possible thats why there are 6

he wanted to tractors on the cake immediately, so we went to go wash them off so he could play with them

loving the tractors!
I really had no clue that he would like them as much as he did, he totally didnt want to open his presents after that, he was happy with the ones he had, go figure!

After presents we headed back out to play...Tyler regained all his energy and was having a ball!

playing with daddy!
David wasnt at Tylers 1st birthday, so we were glad he got to make it to his second one, lol!
( I was the one that took tyler away for his 1st birthday, he celebrated in style in New York at Aunt Lindas!) :)
water break

takin it all in!!
SO CUTE!He has such a great smile, we love seeing it!
Thank you all for coming, Tyler had a great time!
Thanks again!
Til next year.......