We celebrated Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma Parkinsons house
We brought all the gifts for the kids to their house and decided to open everything there.
Tyler was surprised with a big train set that we got for him and thanks to Aunt Stacey for setting it up for him. We took a lot of video this year, not too many pics, so the train and Tyler are on video. But it was so cute...we walked in the living room and it was all ready and set up for him, he was so very excited!
We also got him a tent....and to this day he takes all his naps in it and sleeps every night there in his beloved tent! I think we did pretty good for him this year. We tried to get some playdoh but walmart was all sold out and totally still is, crazy huh! Anyways, he loved Christmas and it was so exciting to see him get so excited about every little thing!
He also got clothes and cars from the grandparents....he totally loved opening every present and when he would pic up one of Haileys presents, we would tell him it was Haileys and he would bring it over to her and want her to open it. And when she was having trouble....he would be the nicest big brother and help her out! Hailey got some fun things too, her main thing was her walker/grow with you to a car thing. Daddy set it up for her and she loved it and still loves it today! She also got a ton of clothes from the grandparents too!
From the family exchange present, the Haslers got us picture ornaments for our tree. We love and cant wait to cover our tree in pictures next year!!!
Here are some pics from the day

We brought all the gifts for the kids to their house and decided to open everything there.
Tyler was surprised with a big train set that we got for him and thanks to Aunt Stacey for setting it up for him. We took a lot of video this year, not too many pics, so the train and Tyler are on video. But it was so cute...we walked in the living room and it was all ready and set up for him, he was so very excited!
We also got him a tent....and to this day he takes all his naps in it and sleeps every night there in his beloved tent! I think we did pretty good for him this year. We tried to get some playdoh but walmart was all sold out and totally still is, crazy huh! Anyways, he loved Christmas and it was so exciting to see him get so excited about every little thing!
He also got clothes and cars from the grandparents....he totally loved opening every present and when he would pic up one of Haileys presents, we would tell him it was Haileys and he would bring it over to her and want her to open it. And when she was having trouble....he would be the nicest big brother and help her out! Hailey got some fun things too, her main thing was her walker/grow with you to a car thing. Daddy set it up for her and she loved it and still loves it today! She also got a ton of clothes from the grandparents too!
From the family exchange present, the Haslers got us picture ornaments for our tree. We love and cant wait to cover our tree in pictures next year!!!
Here are some pics from the day
they were alittle overwhelmed at first :)
and he loved diggin' through the stocking
So on to the presents that David and I got!
I gave David a letter...thats what we were supposed to do, but of course he didnt...he got 3 very thoughtful presents for me!
The first one was digital photo frame, so cool and since I am obsessed with my pictures, it will come in very handy!!
The second one was....a new lens for my camera. My big lens for my camera had broke a while back and David kept telling me that it was too expensive to replace, so after months of not having it, it is so nice to have it back! It is also way nicer than my old one and I love it so so much!!! ooo and he got a nifty camera bag to carry them all in too!
The third and probably most special gift was one that he said was 3 yrs in the making!! I was like what??? what are you talking about....my husband isnt much of a planner and to have spent 3 yrs on a gift, I had no idea what it could have been!?! So I'm opening it and I finally get to the present and I see the sample wedding video case...for those of you that dont know, we had a videographer at our wedding and he totally skipped town and we never got ours....so I was like no, you actually got our wedding video...as I'm trying to hold back the tears...well not exactly but he totally found the guy, he looked up his last name, found the guys parents, told them our sob story, and he totally found him!!!! He still had everything and was totally like yeah sorry I'll do it for ya!!! SWEET!! he didnt get it though cause he wanted me to pick out the music with him, so all this was in a letter!! It was the most thoughtful thing ever!! I was so excited I was at a loss for words. I had totally thought that that boat had sailed away and that we just wouldnt have a wedding video, but no my wonderful, amazing husband found it and now we'll have one!!!
Isnt that like the best christmas present ever! Yes I know! :)
So yeah that was that, so awesome! We also got a ton of great clothes from the inlaws, which is always needed right :)
We had a great christmas! We ate and then went to go see Bedtime Stories which the kids stayed all the way through. We played some games and the day was over! We had a wonderful christmas and are so grateful for all our many blessing and to being able to spend it with some family!
Hope you all did too, i know this is super de duper late, but hey I needed to do it
We love Christmas!!!
***woo-hoo I think I'm pretty much done with Dec.! now on to the new year!***