The whole family; David, Precious, Tyler and I; went on a walk last night, it was kinda cold so we finally got to put him in his little bear outfit, he's such a cutie! and we had fun! it was pretty windy so we were pushing him backwards most of the time but he loves to watch Precious, so it was all good!

He thought he put all the Cherrios in his mouth, but he missed one :)

Tyler is becoming a real good sitter and he looks so cute doing it!
Lindsey...you know, he might be looking a little like his dad now that he's getting older. Great pictures. He's such a little doll!
The picture of you and Dave is great, too!
really, thats funny you say that because me and my mom have this one picture of david when he was small and he does look like him, minus his chin, david had a huge chin when he was baby, lol
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