I have a ton of pictures but I was showing the pics to David and I totally left the memory stick in his laptop so since I havent updated in FOREVER, and since I LOVE my blog and havent seen anything new on it, i thought i would do these tags :)
TAG #1 (carly)
go to your 4th folder and post the 4th picture in it
go to your 4th folder and post the 4th picture in it
***this is when we were at the airport going to New York to visit my Aunt Linda, it was Dad, Kev, Kyle, Tyler and I, Tyler was a few days away from his 1st birthday, which he had in NY!***
TAG #2 (janaca)
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Answer the six "8" items
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment
8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. John and Kate Plus 8
2. Dancing with the Stars
3. The Hills
4. Days of our Lives
5. The News
6. ER
7. RW/RR Challenge
8. Anything on HGTV
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Went to church
2. unpacked our suitcase from vacay
3. checked everyones blogs!
4. Had all the cousins over
5. Looked at pics from Miami and Bolivia with Uncle Pepe & cousins
6. washed dishes
7. talked on the phone
8. had a little bit of a struggle getting my kids back to their routine
8 Things I Look Forward To:
1. Hee Haw Farms with the kids tomorrow
2. New Carpet
3. Taking pictures of my cute kids
4. Our Halloween parties!
5. Halloween costumes
6. My husband being able to come home at a decent hour starting next week
7. Our vacation!
8. Hailey turning 1!
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. its still Rasin Canes!
2. Outback
3. Cheese Cake Factory
4. Fuddruckers
5. Red Robin
6. Chilis
7. PF Changs
8. Olive Garden
8 Things On My Wish List:
1. Getting the house done
2. Hailey to start crawling/walking..something :)
3. Playing volleyball every Thurs with the ladies
4. Getting my kids scrapbooks done
5. Tyler being potty trained and me not having to do it, ha ha
6. Take more vacations :)
7. Having the yard done
8. continuing to have a happy home!
8 People To Tag:
1. Kerrie
2. Andrea
3. Carly
4. Katie
5. Mikel
6. Jody
7. Sarah
8. Cheryl
9. Annie
10. Sandy
11. Britt
Aunt Linda i would tag you if you had a blog, maybe you should just leave your answers on the comment section :)
I think that is so cool when you "tag" each other. One of these days I'll do a blog and get involved. I enjoy reading your "tags." Love you all. xoxox
Thanks for doing this Lindsey! I know your not the "tag" kinda person. It was fun being with you guys today, you'll have to send me pictures when you get a chance!
yeah, it was fun maybe ill do another :) yeah it was fun today, i am going through the pics hopefully i can get them to you guys soon, look forward to a ton of emails from me :)
why didnt i get tagged (lol)
what vacation were you referring to that u are looking forward to?
with my hubby :)
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