Friday night our stake had a father son campout at Willow Park by our house, so David and Tyler went and had a great time!! I really should have David do this but oh well, all the pictures he took were too cute I had to put them up! :)
They started off with a little pizza for dinner :)

some box drinks.....check out Davids chair...nice huh :)

no straw for Tyler....

they were roughin' it :)

can you
find Tyler??!
David said they watched the restoration video, had a little fireside and then put on finding fun!

is he not having the
best time ever!!
their tent

David said that it was pretty cold and all the other kids were sitting on their dads laps and he would ask Tyler to come sit with him and he would tell him no, this is my chair...
too funny!
Zach, Tyler and Grace
i think this was saturday morning

cute kids!!

they had to leave early saturday morning cause our ward had our last volleyball games before the championship....anyways, but Tyler was so excited to tell me everything when he got home...i
loved it! He has been sleeping in his sleeping bag and play tent ever since and continues to talk about it all the time. David did say that when they were going to bed he did ask for both me and Hailey.....thanks Ty!! so overall it was a
success! he slept all night...David said he didnt sleep that well, he kept waking up to make sure Tyler was warm enough...but they had a great time and I'm so happy they got to go together and experience it!
the first of many I'm sure!!