is probably the saddest thing EVER!
When I had Tyler, i believe i was out at walmart that weekend, with Hailey, it is a completely different story. So I waited a few weeks to take her out thinking it would be okay, and she was doing fine and then of course the outside came in, David got sick, then Tyler and then me and then our little baby hailey. I guess it is not that serious, the doctor doesnt even want to see her, but it is pretty serious for me. Her little cough, her poor nose trying to get air in and out, I feel terrible! I have no clue what to do for her, it is just the saddest thing. So we have converted our bathroom to her room. She sleeps, eats, and well she doesnt do anything else but if she did, it would be in that room. Tyler and I didnt have a baby monitor til yesterday, yes I know, I went through all of Tylers babyhood without a monitor and now that i have one, I LOVE it, I dont know how i did without it, but anyways, so back to to the we have basically lived in that bathroom with her because when i take her out, its weird its like, i dont know how to explain it, but the humidifier helps her so much that when we are in another room that doesnt have one, its hard for her. So heres some pictures of "her room"

This is the medicine we give her, her eye drops, which worked a miracle and then this xlear stuff that we need to spray up her nose, i think its helping, i think, i hope...cause she really doesnt like it

Yes we have two humidifiers. I feel like each one does something different, the one seems to blow out a misty watery type air and then the other just blows out cold air, well at least thats what it seems like to me, so we put both of them in there for her

the rocking chair. it is outside the bathroom cause it wouldnt fit through the bathroom door, it fit through the other doors but not the bathroom door, go figure
So while I am in the bathroom with Hailey, of course , Tyler is not far behind. Hes clocked a good number of hours in the room too, he takes his bath, plays with my lotions, the toilet, toothbrush, hair straightner, anything he can find. But his real love is electronics, buttons, all those things, and anything new he hasnt seen, so when he got a glimpse of the baby monitor, what else is a boy to do.....

yup! you guessed it, he swipes it

So that is the only thing that i dont want him playing with so I say,
Tyyyyyyllllllllerrrr?! nooooooooooo.
And he, well most of the time will listen and put whatever it is back, like so.....

and then grab something else and come to me and say wha! like he never did it or something, its funny, especially since he is trying to talk, some times he'll go on and on about it, well actually i really dont know what he is trying to say, but he sure does and thats all that matters :)

So when we are all done, I lay her back in her vibrating bouncy...

and she sleeps like a baby that she is, well today she did, the past few nights have been hard but shes doing a lot better

and I was so excited to get this picture of Hailey. I love the smiles that newborns make in their sleep, its like the biggest grins and i was worried that I wasnt able to get one of Hailey cause I really dont pay as much attention to her as i did when Tyler was sleeping at that age, but lo and behold, I was taking a picture of her sleeping and then as i am going to take another one, she cracks the smile, I was so excited! Thanks Hailey! you made my day

oh yeah, so this is also what Tyler likes to do when Hailey is not in the bouncy
I love having 2 kids!