This year all of Davids family was able to be together. We all had a great time, playing ticket to ride a million times and hanging out. We were glad to see spend time with everyone for Christmas. We all went to Grandma and Grandpas house to celebrate and we couldnt have asked for abetter Christmas. We cant wait til we all get together again!

Tyler Flying

Tyler Flying
Tyler loved all his gifts, but his favorite had to be the wiggle
Us & Hailey
Grandkids, Girls, Boys
I am so glad I wasn't there to see Tyler "flying." I probably would have had a heart attack. He does look like he was enjoying it! Very cute pictures. What a cute little family you all are! Love you soooo much! Aunt Linda..
Those were so cute. Hailey is so beautiful, and I love those pictures of Tyler flying!
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