Thursday, October 11, 2007

Alpine Loop

So we went up to the Alpine Loop after conference on Sunday, and so did everyone else it seemed like but the day before it was really cold and rainy and it obviously snowed up in the mountains so thats why all the snow. This week its been like 70s so its probably all melted by now, so we need to go again and maybe Tyler will be less scared of walking around in it :)
Its funny, we would pick up the snow and show him how to eat it, he tried it but didnt like it, we'll have to do try it again another time
This one is funny because, you know how i said he wouldnt go anywhere, well David was taking pictures, i was in charge of making him smile, but this one he was yelling at us to come get him, if we started to move back he would start yelling like he thought we were going somewhere else, but the thing is that he can walk and it was just funny to see him not know what the snow was so i guess he thought he couldnt walk on it unless one of us was holding his hand, such a silly boy!
Cute Pictures

Big cute cute cute smile, we like those, yay Tyler!
This one i was telling him that i was gonna get him so he was holding his hand out to go get him :)
On the Alpine Loop
Everytime we put Tyler somewhere he would not move, it was sooo funny, but perfect for pictures
Tyler and Daddy, they're so cute!
This was one side...
This was on the other, crazy huh


Linda LaPierre said...

That's pretty funny that Tyler wouldn't walk in the snow, but like you said - it made for some good pictures!! Guess you guys better get the skiis out, huh! Love you all. Aunt Linda xoxo

Brittney said...

Pretty views... And way cute sweatshirt... oh yeah, and TYLER IS ADORABLE too!

mary said...

Oh I love the Alpine Loop! Stop... you are making me miss Utah! Those are great pictures.

the Getschers said...

Absolutely gorgeous pictures! I miss the mountains sooo much! Tyler is such a cutie! And great pictures too, they could be like in a magazine or something!