SOME GOOD OL' FUNYesterday we went to go hang out with some friends at our old stomping grounds! Its always fun to be with
Janaca and Jordan and
Britney and Jackson-
yes she has a blog now! :)- The kids played and played, while we talked, then we brought out the bubbles and I took a MILLION pics
(yeah a million, you'll see in a minute), we talked some more while the kids ran off all their energy and then headed to Britneys house and Janaca and I helped her set up her BLOG! YAY! :)
Its so fun to have boys the same age and see them play. It so fun to see your little one and his personality while he interacts with others, they are growing up so fast and every minute is so fun and time with good friends makes it even better! Thanks for hanging out, we'll see ya guys later!!
oh yeah and they are both pregnant, britneys having a girl and janacas mom says shes having one too, so now Hailey will have her little friends too!! :) 
playing on the playground

Bringing the bubbles out
Chasing the bubbles
I didnt realize how fast he was on grass

It is usually always windy up by the point of the mountain so that helped with the bubbles, no blowing for us, the only bad part was that the wind took the bubbles all the way to the road

Our boys
Tyler sees a bubble!

no he doesnt need to go to the bathroom, i wish he would do this when he needs to go instead of doing his business and then saying "uh-oh mama" yeah we'll save that for another post, anyways, hes just getting excited for all the bubbles :)

oh yeah!
Tylers little running dance
They LOVED the bubbles. We were seriously there for almost 2 hours!
(i love the middle picture!)

what a cutie!

i think we need grass!
i have no clue where these faces came from

what is he doing?! :)
More faces and more running

this is how many pictures I took, i caught his whole fall from start to finish in my picture sequence :)




and hes DOWN!

and UP again!

and back to making his silly faces

theres nothing better than running with yor tongue hanging out! Thats when you know hes having fun!!!
Jackson and Tyler
Hailey was perfect sitting in the stroller, chewing on her biscuit! I should have taken a picture of her when she was in the swing, she was LOVIN' it. Her eyes keep rolling in the back of her head, it was so funny!

Trying to blow his own bubbles, but ended up licking it instead
Is this not the cutest thing ever!!!!