ELDER Pierce entered the MTC on Wed, June 11, 2008

It was great to be there and be a part of such an exciting and memorable event for him as well as our family!
My dad, Kev and Kyle got to my house late Tuesday night,
Brittney flew in the next morning and my mom met us later.
We let Kyle sleep in a bit and then we headed to the Pizza Factory for an early lunch. We took some pictures there, his 2 other friends who were also entering the mtc that day met us with their families and then we all went to the MTC for drop off!

It was pretty cold that morning, too cold for a St Georgian apparently :)
He'll have fun with the winters in VA!

Yes I had to get pictures of him and my kids

In the parking lot across from the MTC Kyle had to get in his LAST text for a couple of years.....
It was funny. There were 4 missionaries that passed by him heading to the temple and they yelled, dont give it up, hold to it for as long as you can....
we all just laughed
Silly missionaries

Kyle in front of the infamous MTC sign that everyone gets a picture with and we were happy to get one too!

then we all INDIVIDUALLY took pictures with him in front of it :)

Then we took pictures of Tyler in front of it.....
I always thought it was so cute to see people with pictures in front of the sign when they were young then pictures when they actually go.
I never thought I would live in utah to be able to have my kids take "their" picture, so I LOVE that we were able to get some

These were his 2 friends that went in with him and he also had his 2 roommates that went in the same day too and also our cousin Robert was to report on the 11th as well but in Sao Paulo, Brazil

They told Kyle to have his mom put on his badge
that was cool

Its Official!!!
Hes an Elder now
I was also videoing the whole time, all these pics are from
Britt, she was the photographer, I was the videographer :)
anyways, so when I asked him what are you most excited for,
he said "I want my name tag!"
So there it is!

He was trying to do VA and he was just a little off, lol
I was looking in my camera saying, huh, is it me, why doesnt that look right, then he fixed it
Us with Elder Pierce

And then that was it....no more pics or video could be taken, we all headed into the orientation room. It was great, then we said our goodbyes, Kyle was cool the whole time but then got a little emotional at the end, which is expected. I cant imagine how he is feeling. But we were all so proud and we were glad we could be there. David was out of town on a business trip and Dan and Kate were in Vegas. But for us that were there, we were all so excited and we cant wait for letters and pictures and to hear how he is doing. Brittney started a
blog for him. We'll post letters and pics when we get them, it will be fun!
We love you Elder Pierce.
We are so happy for you and hope you make the best of your best 2 yrs!