On Saturday, Christy and her family invited us to go up to sliding rock with them. We were excited and called
Dave and Mikel and baby Lily to come join us!
It took us some time to find it, David had never been so we were driving around Alpine looking for their cars, but anyways, we made it. David strapped Tyler on his back and I had Hailey. Dave, Mikel, my Dave and me, started to hike up to the rock and then Christy and her family meet us in the middle, we were sorry that we missed them, but they informed us that it was EXTREMELY cold and that we should have brought our video camera! She was right about that one (you'll see from the pics) Anyways, it took about 25 mins and we finally made it. Precious was also with us and she was especially loving the outdoors as were Tyler and Hailey!!
So we see everyone as they are coming down and they are just telling us how freezing it is. So Mikel and I opt out and hang out with the babies, while the Daves go up to go down the rock....
Tyler loves his carrier! He was pointing at everything and anything on the hike, just oooing and awwing, hes so cute!!!
here he is pointing at the guys at the top of the rock

there it is...Sliding rock
it was about 8 at night, so it was..not chilly but not hot, so Mikel and I will try it next time :)

baby Lily was sleeping peacefully in the baby bjorn, so Mikel was able to take some pics

Dave, getting ready.....

and there he goes....

both of their facial expressions were
CLASSIC, both when they came out of the water and especially coming down the slide. Mikel and I couldnt believe their faces and at some points the ride did not look pleasant it looked

my Dave getting ready...
(he hurt his shoulder playing ultimate frisbee the day before, so thats what he is doing with is arm, he was just trying to hold it close to him so it wouldnt move too much)

and there he goes...
we seriously have to get video of them, it was the funniest thing

yeah it was pretty cold
So when we were up there, there isnt many places to sit, so we were sitting up by the rock and of course Precious was going crazy, sniffing everywhere, running here and there... well on her way following David, he had told her to go back b/c he didnt want her to follow him, she was looking over some cliff and she totally took a dive, i didnt see, Dave said she was trying to move her little legs as fast as she could down the mountain and then she fell into the water. She is so silly, she was totally soaked, i was like what happened....but yeah, she fell off the moutain and then went again right to the same place, lol
Anyways, we had fun watching the boys, they each went twice. Then we headed over to the Blakes to barbeque our steaks! They were great and its always fun to hang out with you guys!
Thanks for having us!
It was a fun night, the kids did great on the hike, Hailey was loving it, she was laughing the whole time, baby Lily slept and was perfect! It was a fun night!!