Seeing as David's whole year at work revolves around the Halloween season we decided we had to get into the spirit and go all out with
Batman Costumes this year!
Let the parties begin!
We had one for our friends/family, Thursday night. We were really
excited for it! We found some fun games to play (thanks britt for most of them) and it was a costume party, so that made it even more fun!
Thanks for dressing up guys, everyone looked

okay you will have to ask
them what they were exactly, but all I can say is that they looked
they also did a great job with their costumes! how cute are they!
Our non dresser upers!
It was my fault, i didnt get to give them an invitation in time,
but we're glad you guys came!
{my mistake, little lenora did dress up and she was the cutest little pumpkin there!}
The Peter Pan Family!
Tinkerbell was adorable! Wendy and Peter were too :)
p.s. mikel made peter pans outfit, isnt it great!
and Us
we are missing our little bat, but she was thankfully, sound asleep :)

Osama, sorry Jon I cant remeber what you were, but it was cool! Peter and Batman

Little Robin loving all the goodies!
Okay so we all got there...minus wendy, we missed you though!
We ate, socialized, and then started the games!
We played chicken-taco a couple of times which was fun and then we went to the kitchen to play our next game...
The skittles game
You have a bowl of skittles you cant look as you pick, you keep passing the bowl around the circle, picking pairs of skittles and you cant swallow until you pick a pair of the same colored skittles....sound fun?!
Here what everyone thought of the game..

{great face jody!}
By the end of the game, it was pretty gross, heres my ball of skittles, and thats davids
okay, so that wasnt everyones fav game, so we went on to play the kissing game. You beat the other person by eating the whole licorise, well putting it in your mouth the fastest and whoever kissed first won!

Fun Stuff!
{guys: the next time we played this game we played it with foot by the much better guys! we'll have to have a rematch with it :)}So after everyone went, we did a winners bracket....
Dave and MikelSarah and RobAnthony and Cindy
In record breaking time...Anthony and Cindy won! Mind you, they were the only non married couple...interesting....ha ha
Heres the pic

So after all the candy we ate, we got out of the kitchen and played the toothpick game.
You want to get out of this game because the last person left has to do a "dare" the group decides on...

Well we played and got down to the last person and that person happened to be
Mikel :)
Dave came in and rescued her (her Dave not mine, ha ha) and took the "dare" instead of her

which was to eat a
spoonful of Mayo and skittles, yummy huh...

and there is the face with a mouthful of mayo and skittles :)
The last game we played was a caramel eating contest
In the contest was : Nate, Mark and Dave (my Dave)
Mark was really excited to beat the other guys! we made sure we had the video camera rolling, counted them down and they were off. Nate and Dave were going at it, so was Mark, but then he looked up and realized that the caramel apple he was so excited to devour was really an
onion!It was too funny! and we got it all on tape! Thanks for having fun with it Mark...we were going to give it to Nate but he totally saw that it was a onion! anyways, we'll have to do another contest for you Mark so you can beat them..fair and square!

So that was it, we made sure to take a picture for the
blog :)
It was so fun guys! Thanks for coming and hanging out! and playing all the fun games!
We also had a party for our block. It was fun to have our neighbors over and again have everyone dress up and play some games! We had a fun group of couples there!
Here are some of the
great costumes...

Are they not the best
Obama and Sarah Palin?!
The devil and his angel and
our pilotsGreat costumes, huh?!
We played pretty much the same games as the other party, minus the skittles games & the caramel apple and add the jerry seinfeld halloween read along book! (thank you Harpers) It was seriously one of the funniest books I have heard,
love seinfeld! it was a great ending to the night!
We did play the toothpick game and had again another "dare" for the loser
The loser was Woodson and he was a very good sport! The "dare" was that he had to put his face in the halloween cake
We all gathered around, got the camera, and were thoroughly entertained by it all!
Ha ha thanks for playing woodson! :)

The group!
We missed you that couldnt come, but well have to do it again next year!
Thank you all for coming and playing our silly games! It was