Friday, November 07, 2008


Well as you can tell, David has saved the day and fixed my computer, well he actually gave me a new one and is trying to get my pictures off the old one, it totally crashed anyways, luckily I still had all my pics on my memory card! YAY for me!
So I just wanted to say thanks babe for getting me back on line, you're the best..

theres like 3 other posts, so make sure to check em out!!

Whew! I'm done with my vegas post so now to finish catching up!
Stay Tuned!


Janaca said...

I'm glad you are able to post pictures now! Thanks so much for stopping by today, although I probably scared you with how I looked. lol :)

Kerrie said...

Our computer crashed one day about a year ago. I had Ryan's 30th birthday party pictures on there that he never put on disk! I threw this huge, awesome birthday party and now I don't have any pictures of it. Just the ones that I posted on the internet and I tried to redownload them and print them but that didn't work. I was so mad at him!

Cyndy Parkinson said...

A new computer is a happy ending to a crashed computer. I thought David could fix anything-although he does have some competition now that Christy is in town-since she fixed my printer this week! I'll check tomorrow for Halloween. MOM

Parkinson Family said...
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Parkinson Family said...

oh PA-LEASE Janaca, you looked great as always! Kerrie that is so annoying! I would have been super mad! :) yeah luckily david CAN still get my pics so we're all good there!
and sorry cyndy but i would still put my bet on david, ha ha :)